Ami Cheat's Page - WIZARD'S TOWER


You start outside the tower carrying spell book and dagger. You have 24 hp and 14 power pts.

"Examine dagger"; sharp, steel dagger, "examine spell book"; large leather bound book, "read spell book"; it explains how to cast magic. You must be carrying the spell book to cast magic. The available spells are: Detect; detect magic in a local area, cost 1 pt Identify: informs caster about an item carried cpst 1 pt Cure: cures caster of 4 hp cost 2 pts Shield: gives temporary magic shield cost 3 pts

N, E, "open door" S (Store room). "Examine food"; mostly mouldy but there is one piece of passable meat. "Get meat". N (hallway), "cast detect"; a stone in the north wall glows. "Examine stone". you see it is an illusion and conceals a button. "Press button"; a door opens north (+2).

Go back to chamber and "open door" aand enter guard room. Though you can get a manacle, it has no use so ignore it. "Cast shield", N; an orc jumps out. "Kill orc, examine orc"; you find an iron key, "get iron key". Go north to cold room, "get pendant, examine pendant"; silver in the shape of a square. "Unlock door"; this uses the iron key (+1)

Go north to round room. "Examine box"; closed. If you open it, it explodes. Ignore box.

Go up and "unlock door"; uses iron key; "open door, E (chapel). "Examine altar"; it has runes on the front. "Read runes"; praise to Somar, god of magic. "Pray to Somar"; you feel; a tingling and your magic power is charged by 6 points (+2).

Go to antechamber. "Examine chest"; closed. You can't open it as you haven't got the right key.

In small chamber, "examine alcove"; you see a large guard dog chained to the wall. Behind it is a bed of straw. "Examine dog"; it growls at you and it looks hungry. "Feed dog"; uses meat. It tears at the meat. "Examine straw"; the dog ignores you. You find a wand. "Get wand" (+2), "examine wand"; steel with a small gem at the tip.

Go N, E, S to small room. "Examine murals"; They show a wizard holding a staff and crystal, battling against a horde of goblins. "Cast shield, examine table"; as you enter the room a figure appears. You recognise him as a rogue sorcerer. He says this is his tower. You see a black book on the table. "Kill sorcerer, kill sorcerer, get black book" (+5) "Examine black book"; it's bound in black leather. "Get black book, read black book"; it tells you how to cast the spell fireball. The book must be carried. Fireball costs 4 points and will engulf one target in a burst of magical fire.

Go back to damp chamber. "Examine chest"; closed, "open chest"; a ghoul leaps out. "cast fireball at ghoul" (+4), examine ghoul"; dressed in rags, "examine chest"; you find a coin; "get coin, examine coin"; made of copper.

"Get mould"; you scrape some off with your dagger, "examine mould"; green and slimy looking. No use.

Go into room with plinth, "examine plinth"; square with some runes on the top. "Read runes"; brass for silver. "Put pendant on plinth"; you see a brass key (+3). "Get brass key".

Go back to the antechamber, "unlock chest"; uses brass key "open chest, examine it"; you see a talsiman. "Get talisman, examine it"; it's a jade talisman in the shape of a skeleton.

In empty chamber; "cast dispell (sic) at archway"; the archway flares for a second and the wand crumbles to dust. If you try to go through without doing this, you are hit back into the room for 2 points of damage. Go through into the next room.

As you try to go north from here,, an ogre with a mace appears to attack you. "Cast shield", "cast fireball at ogre" twice. He dies (+4). You see a dead ogre and a mace. The mace is too heavy for you to use.

In the small chamber, the door ahead has no keyhole but there's a small slot next to the door. "Put coin in slot"; there's a click and the door swings open (+2)

Go to dusty room and "examine crystal"; about 2 inches long. Don't get it as it's a trap and it crumbles with you losing 4 points of power. "Examine murals"; they show a flight of dragons attacking some armoured orcs, streaks of lightling come from their mouths.

The door at the t=junction can't be opened, it appears to be glued shut. "Cast fireball at door"; the glue burns away (+3). "Open door", E (cupboard) "Examine rubbish"; you find a silver key. "Get silver key, get parchemnt, read it"; Belive (sic) in me and die.

In the corridor, "examine walls"; half-way down the corridor are some scorch marks. As you go west, a stone in the floor tips. Go east and west again so you don't get burned. As you go north from the damp chamber, a dragon appears. If you cast a fireball at it, it hits the wall behind so the answer is to "disbelieve". The dragon vanishes.

In the chamber is a niche with a locked iron door without a keyhole. Go to the small room and "pull lever"; go back and "exam niche"; you see a crystal. Get it; both your HP and POW go up by 8 pts and the crystal crumbles (+2)

Unlock the door and go up to the rubble room. "Dig rubble" to find a chalice (+1). Get it. In the small room, "cast detect"; you see a keyhole in the north wall. "Unlock wall" (+4); you see a door in the north wall.

Go through to the lab. On the way, kill the spectre with "use talisman" (+8). "Examine table" to see some broken bottles. "Examine bottles" to see one unbroken flask. "Examine flask" to see it contains blue liquid.

"Examine workbench" to see a pile of powder. It's fine red and blue powder. "Eat powder" to cure 10HP. Note if you get it first, you lose half and so only gain 5 when you eat it.

Go to the stone that blocks the south archway and "examine stone"; it looks heavy. "Drink potion, move stone" (+3).

Through the damp room, you meet a troll. He says you won't kill him as he regenerates. Use shield and 2 lots of fireball to kill him (+7).

Go to shrine and "drink water" at font to cure 2 HP. "Fill chalice; put chalice on altar". You hear a rumble and the south wall opens to show an alcove (+2). Go in and get staff. Go to domes room. "Examine dome"; 30' across. The opening in it is 5' across and impossible to climb into. The carvings are a series of magic circle symbols. "Examine hole"; 1' deep and 1" across. "Put staff in hole"; you are levitated up to a large untidy room.

"Examine shelf" to find a brazier and some clay statues. "Get brazier". "Examine statues"; all are smashed except one figurine, "examine figurine"; of a warrior. "Get figurine, break figurine"; you find a gold key (+3). Get it. Unlock door with it. Enter library.

In library, "examine scrolls"; one is readable. Get it (+2), read it. It tells how to cast the spell banish to banish summoned creatures. "Cast detect"; you see a gold book under the others. "Get gold book, read it"; gives spells heal and unlock. Heal cures all wounds for 6 POW, unlock costs 4 POW. As you go to leave, a demon appears. "Cast banish at demon"; it is turned to dust (+6)

Go to the chest and "vast unlock at chest, open it, examine it, get gem". "Examine gem"; an orange gem. "Pull the lever" that is here.

Don't carry too much as you "jump over spikes" as you will fall short and get 5 pts of damage.

In the hallway, "examine door"; see runes. "Read runes"; the tomb of Somail the priest, let him rest in peace. Open door and enter the tomb. "Examine fresco"; it shows the life of Somail the priest. The last part shows the desecration of his tomb. A hole is carved into the wall opposite the door. "Examine hole"; inside are various items including a sword. There are runes above the hole. "Read runes"; touch not the tomb offerings to the glory of Somail. "Pray to Somail"; make me an offering, believer, then leave.

Don't open the coffin (you lose 4HP and 4POW) or try to take the sword from the hole (you are called a tomb robber and lose 3HP). If you try to put anything other than the brazier in the hole, a magic shield sparks and stops you. "Put brazier in hole"; you get 12 POW.

Ignore the mushroom in the round room, it will give you cramp if you eat it and you will lose 1HP.

"Examine bricks" to find that one section has fallen away and reveals a hole. "Examine hole" to find a ring. Get and wear it (+4). Go to the empty chamber and "get bracer, wear it"; you gain 4 POW.

Go back to the small room and "pull lever". Now when you return to the empty chamber, you are transported (+5) "Exam statues"; 5 stone statues of warriors, each 5' high. One of them moves and blocks you way as you go south. It's a stone golem. "Cast destruction at golem" three times to destroy it (+6). You see a dart. "Get dart".

In the square room, "examine carvings"; magic circles. In the largest is a row of coloured buttons and some runes. "Read runes"; you choose. "Examine buttons"; white, red, blue, black, orange, gold). Don't press the red (you lose 3HP) or the black (you are trapped). "Press gold button"; a voice says one is good, one is death, one is blood, one is precious, one is sky, one is the sun. "Press white button" to gain 8 POW. "Press blue button" to gain 6 HP. "Press orange button"; a small hole opens in the wall next to it (unless you have already pressed the black button). "Put gem in hole"; a portal opens to the south. "Cast heal" before going through as on the other side is a room shielded from magic and you can't use any spells etc.

When you meet the minotaur, "kill minotaur with dagger" three times to kill him (+8). He drops an axe. "Get axe". Go to the doors. "Break doors with axe, open doors, cast shield, cast heal" then go through.

Inside is a hydra. "Cast destruction at hydra (this is its last charge), throw dart at hydra, cast fireball at hydra, cast fireball at hydra" to kill it (+5). Go north and up to finish.


Detect spells: must do the ones marked ***

In hallway to see special stone ***
At the plinth; it glows
At the chest in the antechamber
At the alcove; it glows faintly
In the empty chamber; the east archway glows for a second
In corridor; the walls glow halfway down it
In small room to see the keyhole ***
In shrine; the water glows
In library; find gold book ***

Identify spells:

At meat to see it's safe to eat and from a giant rat
At the coin; it's made to fit a special device
At the pendant; it's used as some sort of key
At the wand; it's a magic wand to dispell (sic) magic (once)
At the black book; a spell book, cast magic with the right skills
At box; its a trap for thieves
At parchment; gives a clue for beating a trap in the tower
At talisman; a magic item to use against the undead (once)
At skull; the last remains of Tarkus the sorcere, killed by a demon
At figurine: there's a key hidden in the clay
At gem; a sunstone, part of a puzzle
At mushroom; quite ordinary, a little poisonous
At ring; can cast the spell destruction at a creature, has limited charges
At dart; will explode on hitting a target


Press button +2
Unlock door (with iron key) +1
Pray to Somar +2
Get wand +2
Get black book +5
Kill ghoul +4
Kill ogre +4 ------------------ 20/99
Put coin in slot +2
Put pendant on plinth +3
Cast fireball at door +3
Disbelieve +5
Get crystal +2 ---------------- 35/99
Dig rubble +1
Unlock wall +4
Kill spectre with talisman +8
Move stone +3
Kill troll +7 ----------------- 58/99
Put chalice on altar +2
Break figuring +3
Get scroll +2
Cast banish at demon +6
Get ring +4 ------------------- 75/99
Get transported +5
Kill golem +6
Kill minotaur +8
Kill hydra +5 ----------------- 99/99

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